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    5-7-11 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan


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    Earlyworks and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners begin business alliance.

    Provides solutions utilizing the "Grid Ledger System," a blockchain-type ultra-high-speed database. Aiming to build a database that supports the IoT era, in which all things become media.

    (Head office: Taito-ku, Tokyo; President: Sei Kobayashi; hereinafter "EarlyWorks") has formed a business alliance with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Inc.

    This will allow EarlyWorks' blockchain-based ultra-high-speed database "Grid Ledger System" (hereinafter "GLS") to be used in conjunction with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners' network of media companies and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners' dApps new business development project "PlayAsset" to develop new businesses. The project will combine Hakuhodo DY Media Partners' network of media companies with the blockchain expertise of the dApps new business development project "PlayAsset" within Hakuhodo DY Media Partners to build a system capable of providing blockchain-enabled solutions from planning and development to system development for each company.

    In addition, we will support the growth of the media industry by building a database to securely collect, manage, and use the vast amount of data generated by all types of media, including IoT devices, which are rapidly increasing in number these days. With the evolution of technology, we are entering the IoT era, in which all everyday objects become media. And as more and more media are connected to the Internet, including IoT, the volume of data generated by the media will increase dramatically.

    According to a study by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the amount of data traffic is expected to increase from approximately 720 EB (EB = exabyte, 1EB = approximately 1 billion GB) worldwide in 2014 to approximately and more than five times that amount in 2021. In order to achieve a sustainable operating system and exponential growth in this era, it is essential to collect, manage, and use this enormous amount of data securely and appropriately. For this reason, it will be necessary in the near future to construct a database that has high processing capacity (scalability) and high security, and can process data sent from countless devices at near real-time speed.

    There are three important elements of a database: speed, scalability, and security. Conventional databases require the installation of large servers to achieve speed and scalability, and high costs for security to protect the servers. In order to reduce these costs, blockchain technology, which is highly tamper-resistant, can be used. However, since all nodes in a fully decentralized conventional blockchain perform the same process, the processing speed cannot be as fast as that of a conventional database, making it difficult to use for business purposes.

    EarlyWorks' "GLS" is not a conventional fully decentralized blockchain, but incorporates some centralized ideas and a high-speed technology called DAG, which allows approval on a transaction-by-transaction basis, to ensure high security, which was difficult to achieve with conventional databases from a cost perspective, This enables the realization of speed and scalability while ensuring high security, which has been difficult to achieve with conventional databases due to cost considerations.

    By utilizing the GLS, it will be possible to realize various business ideas that will be born in the future and support the growth of the media. Hakuhodo DY Media Partners believes that the dApps game domain envisioned by PlayAsset requires high-speed processing of large volumes of data, and that the use of GLS will support further growth and new business development for companies in this domain.

    In addition to the advertising domain, we will explore business possibilities utilizing "GLS" in the MaaS domain such as automated driving, smart cities, wearable devices, and new digital spaces that will emerge in the future, all of which are expected to become new industries and require high-speed processing of large volumes of data. We will explore the business possibilities of using "GLS" in these areas.

    Company Profile

    EarlyWorks, Inc.

    We have developed the Grid Ledger System, a uniquely designed next-generation blockchain system that combines the characteristics of blockchain, such as "tamper resistance," "fault tolerance," "traffic load balancing," and "data operation through multi-cloud, etc.," with the characteristics of conventional databases, such as "processing speed," Fusing the characteristics of blockchain such as "tamper resistance," "fault tolerance," "traffic load balancing," and "data operation through multi-cloud, etc." with the characteristics of conventional database such as "processing speed," "establishment of finality," and "ease of system construction and processing," we provide technology as data infrastructure supporting cutting-edge technologies such as AI, IoT and 5G. Aims to promote the technological development of information technology and IT infrastructure.

    Name of Representative: Sei Kobayashi

    Location: MR Building 3F, 5-7-11 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan

    Establishment: May 2018

    Capital, etc.: 449.01 million yen (including capital reserve)


    <About PlayAsset>

    dApps product development team within Hakuhodo DY Media Partners. The company provides IP Ledge, a system that manages content copyrights and returns the copyright fee to the IP holder each time the content is used.

    <For inquiries regarding this press release, please contact

    EarlyWorks, Inc.


    The information in this document is current as of the date of publication. Specifications and service contents are subject to change without notice.